Legislative Websites
Looking for a website with advocacy and legislative information? Here are some popular links to help you find what you need.
State of Nebraka

State of Nebraska
Nebraska Legislature
Legislator Lookup
Bill Information
Department of Health & Human Services
Division of Medicaid & Long-Term Care - DHHS
Department of Insurance
Nebraska Board of Dentistry

US House of Representatives
US Senate
Nebraska Congressional Delegation
(Senators Sasse & Fischer; Rep. Ashford, Fortenberry & Smith)
Agencies & Programs
Office of Civil Rights HIPAA / Department of Health & Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services / Department of Health & Human Services
Health Resources & Services Administration / Department of Health & Human Services
National Maternal & Child Oral Health Resource Center
Stay Connected
ADA Advocacy Communications
Whether you want to stay informed on the latest legislative and regulatory issues or get involved in the process by talking to your legislators, the ADA has advocacy tools to make it easy. Go online to sign up for the Action E-List so that you receive ADA Action Alerts (to easily contact your U.S. elected official) and find other ways to get involved with ADA Advocacy.
Join the NDA Grassroots Network
With so many new legislators, the MDA has a lot of people to get to know. If you have an existing relationship with a Representative or Senator (participate in a fundraiser, attend church together, knew each other in college or high school), please let us know.